What would you like to see?? | Elizabeth Rose NI

What would you like to see??

Hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and new year. 

I had a great wee break off with our wee family.

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I always love the end of a year into the beginning of a new year as it seems to be a bit of a time for reflection and looking ahead at what’s coming up, what you can change, and what you can make better.

I’m looking forward to 2014, to see the things that God has planned for me this year and what dreams he places on my heart.

So over the rest of this month and next month I will be:-

 * giving the shop a bit of a change around and re-organising which always includes a dab or two of painting.

 * developing our products range of yarn, fabric and haberdashery and would be interested to know if you have any special requests here.

 * doing lots of plotting and planning for the workshop calendar for the year upon us, but this is were you folks come in. 

Have you any special requests y’all?  I would really love your feedback to make up a successful workshop calendar full of things you would love to learn or have a refresher on.

Are any of you interested in

* Crochet

* Knitting

* Felting

* Patchwork

* Sewing

I’m always happy to take requests!

Does it suit you better in the morning, afternoon or evening?  I know getting a time to suit everyone can be a bit tricky.

ALSO…What would you guys like to hear about on the blog this year?! 

I have been very poor at sharing with you what I’ve been stitching so will try keep you posted with what on my sewing table over the year.

Look forward to your feedback and Wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Charlene xx


We are God’s masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.  Ephesians 2:10


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