Sew….what have I been up too??
So im sure you folks have all had this question on your mind at some point “This girl talks about her love for sewing but we haven’t seen much of it yet”
Well first I am trying to take that step in confidence of showing it to you and secondily I have been doing sew much sewing from the start of the year I don’t know how my wee machine has held out, so much so that over the last couple of weeks myself and the machinge need a well needed no stitch week to get recharged for the next project
sew… what have i been up too??
well… over year ago i agreed to a dear firend to make her bridamiads dresses for her big day – my biggest undertaking to date. inbetween times i decided to do my level 3 in patchwork, begin crochet workshops and my friends sister got married which I altered her bridesmids dresses and all became a tad manic.
But when you think you have a year to make three dresses and do a level 3 fianal piece you thing sure thats loads of time emmm… not when your working, have chrismas in the middle of it and have 3 small children, but i couldnt have accomplished any of it only for my extreamly patient and supportive husband.
So back to sharon. Well sharon chose her own fabric and pattern and brought it to me and all I had to do was make it, thats all :/ They chose a beautiful taffeta along with a ivory chiffon, which I have to say is such a challenging fabric to work with.
I never imagined I wouldn have found the responsility of having someone elses fabric so daunting and then i had to cut it aaahhh.
It was all totally worth it. It was a great learning experience and I think they turned out just as sharon wanted. I’m pleased how well they came together.
I want to thank sharon and her lovely bridesmaids for their patience and most of all their trust in me!
And to Sharon and Richard for a great family day at their wedding
We managed to get our first ever family photo, even though its a bit over the place.
And our little people had a blast.