Fabric of the Month - Felt | Elizabeth Rose NI

Fabric of the Month – Felt

Now we have calmed down from our Sew Saturday event it is time to focus on a new feature for the website – Fabric of the Month.

This feature will hopefully give you all an insight into a new fabric or even one that you are used to but used in new and different ways. So our first fabric for October will be an oldie but a goodie – felt.

I remember fuzzy felt from my school days and the box with all those various shapes and colours that could be made into a myriad of different pictures from your imagination. A Board and shapes. That was it. Say that to a child now and they would look at you but it was something so simple that could release hours of entertainment when the weather was cold or wet.

Well now we are grown up felt still has the potential to be that fabric of our imagination.

Like all fabrics, felt comes in a wide wide range of colours and indeed thicknesses depending on the project you have in mind.  So it doesn’t just have to be used for the backing on a table mat, felt can be your main fabric.

We all know that felt has been used for many years to great effect as decorations for Christmas trees or for other holidays and rightly so. It doesn’t frey like other fabrics. It is easy to sew by hand or on a machine. It can be glued together. Stuffed and shaped into anything you want. It can be embellished with beads, buttons or crystals to make it shine and sparkle. It is durable and lasts for years and years and if treated properly it will hardly ever fade.

Have I convinced you about felt  yet? No? Well what about these simple projects to try.

One piece, one hour, no sewing!

One piece, one hour, no sewing!

What about making simple baskets for the stairs to keep the junk off them? Or somewhere to put all your balls of wool in between projects? A simple pattern cut out of one piece of felt and slotted together and then if you want you can stiffen it with a simple mix of pva glue and water and then leave them to dry. And the great thing is they then become wipeable!

Or small toys for a little girls and boys? Nice and soft and easy to transport in a pocket. But unlike hard toys they won’t damage your washing machine if they get left in pockets.

Why not cut out little heart shapes, fill them with rice or wheat and make your own hand warmers?

Or again cut out hearts shapes stick on some jute, stuff them and add a ribbon and you have yourself and a simple all year round ornament. Or you make then larger for bunting for a spare room.

Or what about a handbag? Strong and sturdy but still soft to the touch and when not in use it can be rolled up for storage. Either leather or wooden handles to keep the natural feel. You could make a simple tote bag or a square multi pocketed bag for all you bits and pieces. And with the choice of colours out there you could make one for every outfit!

A garland for a focal point?

A cushion for the sofa?

Pin Cushions?

Ties backs for a set of curtains?

Cup Coasters? Pot Lifters?

A little Christmas felt for the sewers!

A little Christmas felt for the sewers!

Ok I’ll stop now. I think I made my point. Felt is not just something for school days or days of yore. It is cool and the projects that can be made from it are limitless. So why not give felt a try this month and see what you can create.

We currently stock 6 different colours if felt.  Check out our Fabric of the month on our online shop


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