Inspiration | Elizabeth Rose NI


Inspiration comes in many forms as we all know. You can be doing the dishes and an idea can hit you. Or cutting the grass. Ok maybe not the grass in this weather but you know what I mean.

Now I am sitting at the computer looking out on the grey skies and the rain and inspiration has hit me! Socks!

A bit strange I grant you but let me explain. I am sitting here actually thinking about my wellie boots, which are totally necessary in this weather, and how ordinary socks just do not cut it for comfort and warmth when I wear them. And then they slip down and sometimes even come off when you are taking them off. Many a time I have been seen hopping around trying to fix my socks on a muddy path.

So hence why I have been thinking  of socks.

In store we had our sock knitting masterclass back in November and it got myself and Charlene inspired. We took up our needles and made our first pairs of socks. Yes we even finished them! But now several months on and what should arrive, but Rico’s new specialist sock yarns. 

Back in November when we started our Sock knitting journey we only had Stylecraft’s aptly named Head over Heels sock yarn. But now the market has really blossomed and with the addition of the Rico Yarn we are now up to 5 varities – enough for everyone to have a fab pair of socks!

The nice thing about the sock yarn is that one 100 gram ball of wool will knit you a nice pair of socks – just one ball. Of course if you want longer socks then another ball is always good. The skies the limit.

Now whatever method you use to knit you socks, whether it be 4 straight needles or 2 circular – the sock yarn will give you the soft finish you desire but with it’s nylon content it will wash well and retain it’s shape. Always a good thing. Follow this link to my personal favourite of the  sock yarns we have in store and online -http://www.elizabethroseni.com/product/rico-superba-bamboo-superwas/




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