Birthday Party Round Up

First of all I want to say a HUGE thank you to all who came to our party.  I can hardly believe that a month has passed since we celebrated our first birthday.  I want to sincerely thank everyone who came and made the day such a great success.  It was so lovely see the support of our regulars and new faces as well.

In preparation for the day, we stripped most of the flowers from the shop and dedicated it all to the fabric yarn and haberdashery.  I was so pleased with how the shop looked.  It was lovely to see the shelves full to the brim.  When I look back at the shelves this time last year, they looked so empty in comparison, its unreal how things have moved on!

I managed to get some photos before everyone arrived.  For those of you who haven’t been to our shop before, this will give you a wee insight.

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 A friend made me this fabulous cake, isn’t it amazing.  It was a real talking point on the day 🙂

20140920_093905 20140920_093721The last year has been an amazing adventure and I couldn’t have got through none of it by myself.  With Christ as my guide, He has given me so much help.  Every single day holds numerous blessings.

Thanks again everyone! And thank you for bringing in your creations and showing them to me since the day.  You know how much I love seeing them.  Please feel free to share them with me on our facebook page/

Thankyou for sharing my creative journey with me!!

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